I am owner of a not so old MacbookPro (3.1 - late 2007), and, as it is my main development machine, I felt a little lack of space and speed mainly because of its hard drive (5400rpm / 160GB).

I wanted speed and so I got a new generation drive with a 120GB SSD, I wanted space so I have dumped the useless SuperDrive from my machine to replace it with a drive caddy (found here) where I have put my old HDD.

The operation is not so easy, but if you are careful and if you take your time, you will not regret what you'll get !

My machine is now blazing fast and it helped me keeping it more instead of buying a shiny new MBP with an unremoveable battery (I think I don't have the feeling with laptop batteries...)

Swift macro : @VisibleForTesting

As an ancient Java developer, I’ve learned to use a set of annotations to bring meta programming in my projects. Meta programming can be ...… Continue reading

Dark Mode iOS Snapshot

Published on January 10, 2021


Published on December 31, 2020