Big Photo Frame Widget
Android features a standard widget for displaying the pictures of your choice on your desktop, it's a good and frequently used widget by all Android users (which means used more and more each day !).
The only thing missing from the standard widget is its only 2x2 size available. By using recent alternative launchers (ADW Launcher / LauncherPro Plus) you can resize the widget on your home screen but picture scaling is very poor.
The idea behing Big Photo Frame Widget is to fix the scaling issue of the original widget and to provide different sizes : 2x3 / 3x2 / 3x3 / 4x4. By the way, the widget is free, but if you want to support me, don't hesitate to hit the donate link !
If you want to try (and keep it I hope), scan the following QRCode with your device :
If you have feature request or bug reports, don't hesitate to comment this post !
Update : I've released a donate version on the market, scan this QRCode to access it :